
Our basis

Conventional technologies is an important basis for our developments. But this is not enough. We have to have another basis: our new and unique technologies, or our company will not survive. Read this page for a brief description about our technologies. Choose a page from the menu on the left for a technical description.

We aim at simplicity

Magnetic bearings have many advantages, but this is at a big price. Compared with conventional bearings, magnetic bearings are surprisingly complex. Facing this frustrating complexity, we have been trying to make magnetic bearings simple since 30 years ago, long before the establishment of Rotorise.

One of our efforts is in making magnetic bearing controllers simple, for which we have carried out a whole series of researches about voltage control and displacement sensing. Now, with our technologies, we can design a controller of great simplicity as shown on the home page.

Technologies for electric motors are established by a great deal of design, fabrication and test. For high-speed BLDC motors up to a few kW we use 4-pole fractional-slot concentrated-winding arrangement, which is simple and gives well-acceptable performances. For lower powers, we use 2-phase configuration, which gives a simple motor body and satisfactory performances.

We started in 1988

Our research on magnetic bearings dates back to 1988, at which time we were beginning with our career at Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China. Then, until Rotorise was established in 2016, we had finished a lot of researches on magnetic bearings and high-speed motors, and published many papers. Even today these papers are still a source of technology for us.

Now we still innovate

Our university researches need to be converted to industrial applications. Solutions need to be found for our customers. Effectiveness of technical ideas needs to be verified. Working on each of these involves innovation. We still carry out experiments, write technical papers, and attend technical conferences. Our technologies are constantly updated.