
See what we do exactly

Listed on the left are our developments, from which you can see what we do exactly. Some of the developments were carried out in services to our customers, while the others were for our own sake - when we came up with an idea and realized its value we might start a development immediately.

Our developments are production-ready

Developments listed on the left are not only for functional verification. They are ready for production. Performances of each development have been fully tested. The cost, the easiness of manufacturing, availability of materials, and satisfaction of standards have all been taken into consideration.

Make use of our developments

A development is usually about a functional module that can be integrated by our customers into their fully functional products. It is represented by a self-contained package of documents comprising information for production, test, and use of a module. Presently we cannot manufacture any of the modules ourselves because of limited resource, but using our developments a customer can.