About Us

Company Information

Name of company: Rotorise, Limited Liability Company

Date of foundation: July 12, 2016

Amount of capital: 5,000,000 JPY

Accountancy: Yoshida Tax and Accounting Office (www.syoutax.com)

Number of employee: 2

Address: 62-5 Okuma-cho, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, 224-0042 Japan

Representative: Lichuan Li

Website: http://www.rotorise.com


Lichuan Li, Doctor of Engineering, lcliATrotoriseDOTcom


Before we established this company we were professors at Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China, where we did researches on magnetic bearings, high-speed motors, and precision motion control.

Our first exposure to magnetic bearings was in 1988. Later, in 1992, the first paper about magnetic bearings was published. Then magnetic bearing became one of our major researches. Now we have built up a perfect expertise.

Research on high-speed motors started in 2013 when we needed to let our rotors rotate. Precision motion control came as an application of magnetic suspension, by which the harmful friction is removed.

We are also skilled in design, fabrication, and programming. We do most of the jobs ourselves: electromagnetic, mechanical, electronics, firmware, and PC software. Only mechanical machining and PCB manufacturing are outsourced.

The Company Name

The company name, Rotorise, is from the words rotor and rise, signifying that a rotor rises in a magnetic bearing. We pronounce it as [‵rәutәraiz].